

  I believe you can find a number of information on the internet or books which show you how wonderful are the working holiday in Australia .

  Here, I don’t have to tell you too much about working holiday because if you already want to have a long trip. I think you have collected your won information. This might give you some help if you don’t know where you can start it or how to prepare your trip.


  First of all, get your visa. It’s not difficult anymore since first Taiwanese backpackers went back to Taiwan . The experiences they shared are quiet detail and helpful. If you really think you can’t do it. Don’t worry! You can go to a number of agents which can assist you about the visa in Australia . Once you get your visa the rest things are not hard at all.


  Don’t panic about your English is not good enough, because I ever meet some Korean who just could say thanks, no, and hello. They can only have some basic conversations. As the reason, kick English not good out off your mind. YOU can do it!


  Secondly, think what you exactly want before leaving. People got thousands different reasons for their working holiday. Some of them have been sick of their work for a long time, thus they want a long holiday to somewhere far from Taiwan . Some got other plan for the future like studying in another county. Some just think it much easy to earn money in Australia . For me, no matter what sort of reason you have which let you make the decision to OZ, don’t forget your original purpose. I ever saw some people feel lost while they’ve been traveling for a while so remind yourself frequently and ask yourself. Do you still on your way?


  Next, preparing stuffs which is you really need rather than you want to bring. This always is a big problem for all the backpackers. You might say why I can bring more than 25 kg when I take aircraft from Taiwan to Australia , but when you come back only can carry less than 22. Actually, the maximise weight of your luggage is 20 kg , the reason you can take so many kg from Taiwan is our custom is so nice that will give you another 5 kg to go. But not everyone will let you do that, rule is rule anyway. Furthermore, while you are in Australia you certainly travel to some other cities. You get two options of public transports. One is the bus, the other is airplane. Both of them get weight limit of your luggage. As the result, don’t bring too much things that is not necessary for your life. In fact, most things you can buy in here, so start to pack your back again. And check your stuffs regularly then throw away the thing you don’t need.

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澳洲原住民認為,我們每年都要收藏和喚醒每年的精神,激起我們對於土地,水,天空的情感,每年的最後一天除夕跨年的日子,就是絕佳的時機。風情萬種的雪梨,向來以「雪梨精神」--熱情、性感、多元等特色為傲,告別2009、迎接2010,全球矚目的雪梨跨年活動,以「Awaken Sydney Spirit」為主軸,希望在新的一年的開始,喚起久違了的雪梨精神!同時主辦單位也鼓勵每位前往跨年的旅客,穿上代表雪梨精神的藍色服飾,以為昂揚抖擻的精神,迎接2010年!

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ANZ ATM長這種樣子喔

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時間 過的真的很快,可能比Michael Schumacher開的法拉利跑的還快吧!





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