






~ 摘錄自黃金海岸新聞報 ~

Prize-winning pies a hit on Gold Coast

TONY Quinn's friends thought he was crazy when he opened a small business in the midst of an economic meltdown.

But six months on Mr Quinn is smiling, something many small business owners haven't done in a long time.

Quinney's Pies was born when Mr Quinn, a qualified chef, realised there were no pies out there he would be happy to buy or sell.

"I was running a small restaurant on Tamborine Mountain and we looked at getting pies in, but I wasn't happy with any I found," he said.

"I started making my own and they became so popular we decided to head down to the Coast and give the pie shop a go."

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The move has paid off, with the Molendinar shop winning five silver medals in Australia's Best Pie competition in Sydney last week.

Mr Quinn's father, Jon Quinn, said he was surprised and thrilled.

"I went to Sydney to represent the shop and at first I thought we had won nothing," he said.

"It was great to be recognised after such a short time in business and it gets the Gold Coast's name out there."

Mr Quinn said he believed a lot of their success came from gourmet pies made with only the freshest ingredients.

"Our hot tomato pie is made with challots, tomato, basil and mince, our mushroom pies have real roasted mushrooms -- I don't like to use tinned products," he said.

Mr Quinn, his wife and father run the store together.

"We don't have any other staff and we have had to do that to survive.

"We know it is a difficult market and we are just so glad we have done well -- cutting staffing costs and customer service is the only way."


    黃金海岸市 美食
    創作者 jris 的頭像

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